NetSuite Solutions for Manufacturing: Shaping Tomorrow

OpenTeQ Admin | Updated: Jun 5,2024
NetSuite Solutions for Manufacturing: Shaping Tomorrow

The manufacturing industry is witnessing another substantial transition known as Industry 4.0. This term alludes to the fourth industrial revolution and the incorporation of digital innovations into manufacturing, empowering systems to collaborate with one another and make decisions without the intervention of humans. Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing the way we conduct business, manufacture, and think about the production process. 

How NetSuite influences manufacturing sector trends 

NetSuite is revolutionizing manufacturing sector trends while simultaneously transforming manufacturers. With the advent of Industry 4.0, perceptive manufacturers are connecting their systems to enable constant information flow across every department and geographies. NetSuite's ERP software, which is cloud-based and serves all the business's divisions and units, inherently supports the integration and visibility required to prosper in Industry 4.0. 

NetSuite's cloud ERP technology has also witnessed rising demand from enterprises aiming to optimize their business workflows while minimizing their IT infrastructure footprint. NetSuite's cloud ERP solution provides organizations with anytime, anywhere access to best-in-class apps on an easy-to-use platform, simplifying data administration and lowering costs that accompany usual licenses for software and IT maintenance.

What actually Are the Perks of Utilizing NetSuite for Manufacturing? 

Customizable Ability  

NetSuite's customizable manufacturing software enables you to calculate demand, organize manufacturing assets, and control the entire manufacturing process. The ERP's capacity management tools enable you to forecast production and generate precise inventory projections. You may also set up rule-driven alerts that take further actions depending upon your data. These procedures may include delivering a message to a vendor or placing the alert in an assignment list for consideration by another team participant. 

With the ability to manage resources, you can access historical as well as current information for every tool or asset to make informed decisions about when to restock components, hire new personnel, perform maintenance, or acquire equipment improvements. 


Another explanation for how NetSuite is deemed the finest ERP for manufacturing is that it provides you with one overall view of the entire company, allowing you to track your productivity and make smarter decisions. With cross-departmental information updated in actual time, employees have access to the information they need, whether they are on the manufacturing ground or in the back office. 

You'll be able to forecast probable developments and prepare for expansion by finding improvements that legacy systems may have ignored. You'll learn about all parts of your organization, from accounting to administration and consumer relationship management. This enables you to make sensible choices about where you should direct your efforts in order to satisfy the demands of today's competitive market while being profitable.


simplifying and streamlining your organization's businesses is a crucial stage towards improving productivity. NetSuite's manufacturing ERP software assists you with this by automation fundamental processes such as: 

  • Procedures include staff administration, acquiring and managing materials, controlling inventory, and management of warehouses. 

  • Implementing company norms in various areas of the business (for example, selling price structures). 

  • Key insights built on amalgamation enable improved decision-making. 

OpenTeQ's NetSuite consultants have expertise in implementing automation and integration with NetSuite to enhance your business processes. This enables your manufacturing company to eradicate entry of data, erroneous expenses, and scalability with efficiency. 

Global Approach 

NetSuite is an around the globe ERP solution that will assist your business's activities no matter where they are. Its worldwide administration capabilities include:  

  • Accessible more than 200 nations worldwide. 

  • It accommodates 27 various languages, letting organizations engage with their clients, vendors, and personnel in the language of their choice.  

  • Enables the administration of 190 various currencies.  

  • NetSuite has a wide range of monetary management tools, allowing you to handle currencies between regions and subsidiaries applying real-time exchange rates.

Customer Experience 

Customer experience is one of the most crucial parts of any organization. It is the reason your clients acquire from the company you represent, as well as the reason they remain committed to you. In the modern era, where consumers have more options than ever before and can shift gears at the drop of a hat (or a click), customer experience is the thing that preserves them returning. 

Whether your clients are companies, distributors of your goods, or individual customers, NetSuite enables you to improve their customer experience.  

With its CRM features, you may promote to your brand evangelists, keep an eye on customer purchasing trends, enhance customer service, and give your clients insightful communications. 

NetSuite Welcomes OpenTeQ Technologies as a Strategic Partner

NetSuite: Preparing the Manufacturing Industry to Tomorrow 

To maintain a competitive edge in the manufacturing industry, it is imperative for businesses to plan how they operate. Using a technology-driven platform like NetSuite, which handles all areas of your company's operations, accounting, and finance, is an easy way for your organization to take a progressive stance. This entails using intelligent production management techniques, automating routine processes, and improving understanding of important performance metrics. Your manufacturing business will thus be able to function more effectively and flexibility than it ever has. 

  • Designed for cloud computing, enabling access from any location worldwide, including mobile devices.  

  • Provides a comprehensive view of your business, spanning from the shop floor to the back-office, facilitating better decision-making.  

  • NetSuite's Manufacturing Execution System (MES) offers real-time information on production line activities, including downtime, labor, scrap, and machine status.  

  • Offers a mobile barcoding solution to streamline data collection for labor, work orders, material movements, shipping, and purchase order receipts.  

  • Provides an end-to-end solution for supply chain management, encompassing purchasing and inventory management.  

  • Includes business analytics tools for analyzing trends and gaining insights into the impact of changes in one area on other areas of your business.  

  • Offers customizable workflows for internal team members and third parties, such as suppliers or distributors, to collaborate on tasks like procurement requests or deliveries.  

  • Provides full visibility into all aspects of production planning, including tools like Demand Planning.  

  • Allows users to monitor actual production against expected output levels through the Production Control feature.  

  • Utilizes intelligent inventory control based on sales demand forecasts generated by the Demand Planning module, along with automations and real-time information.  

  • Facilitates outsourced manufacturing management with real-time inventory visibility, vendor location management, and distribution requirement planning for multi-location operations.  

  • Offers a mobile/tablet application for monitoring production processes and schedules from any location.  

  • Includes quality management capabilities for defining and maintaining inspection plans, collecting inspection results, and reporting on non-conformance.  

  • Provides advanced CRM and marketing capabilities, such as marketing automation, customer service, customer support, and partner management.  

  • Features a modular architecture that allows for seamless addition of functionality as needed, while keeping costs low.

NetSuite: The Ultimate Manufacturing ERP Solution 

In the era of "Industry 4.0," manufacturing companies must embrace new technologies to stay ahead of the competition. Failure to do so will leave them trailing behind their tech-savvy counterparts. To expedite your company's technological transformation, there is no better option than implementing the world's top cloud-based ERP system. Otherwise, businesses will find themselves grappling with numerous software implementations, integrating platforms using cumbersome APIs, and spending exorbitant amounts on IT services to manage and troubleshoot this intricate ecosystem.  

By adopting NetSuite, you can ensure that every facet of your business remains at the forefront of the technological revolution. From automating manufacturing and back-office processes to enhancing business intelligence, NetSuite equips you with the necessary tools to thrive as the industry progresses. 

With NetSuite's cloud ERP, you can bid farewell to expenses related to servers, hosting, and costly updates. The system is fully managed, maintained, and updated by certified NetSuite experts. Businesses that embrace NetSuite witness a significant reduction in IT expenditure, in addition to reaping the countless benefits offered by this leading ERP solution.  

At OpenTeQ, we boast extensive experience in implementing NetSuite Solutions for manufacturing companies. Our team of experts is prepared to provide industry-specific guidance tailored to your needs. Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Leading ERP Provider OpenTeQ Joins NetSuite's Ecosystem

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