Must Have NetSuite Manufacturing Modules for Business Success

OpenTeQ Admin | Updated: May 20,2024
Must Have NetSuite Manufacturing Modules for Business Success

In the increasingly competitive manufacturing industry, your company requires solutions to optimize internal operations while remaining appealing to customers. NetSuite provides a cloud ERP manufacturing solution that allows you to access company data from wherever you are. The tool tracks revenue and savings to find new growth opportunities. 

Control and monitor your outsourced production processes as if they were yours. 

In the increasingly competitive manufacturing industry, your company requires solutions to optimize internal operations while remaining appealing to customers. NetSuite provides a cloud ERP manufacturing solution that allows you to access company data from wherever you are. The tool tracks revenue and savings to find new growth opportunities.  

The location and identity of a product's manufacturer should not be a barrier to growth. NetSuite provides a global picture of inventory, regardless of where it is in production, allowing businesses to manage outsourced production as if they were doing it themselves.  

NetSuite offers real-time inventory visibility, vendor location management, and comprehensive distribution requirement planning (DRP) tools for multi-location planning.

Which NetSuite Manufacturing Modules are best for your business ? 

In the increasingly competitive manufacturing industry, your company requires solutions to optimize internal operations while remaining appealing to customers. NetSuite provides a cloud ERP manufacturing solution that allows you to access company data from wherever you are. The tool tracks revenue and savings to find new growth opportunities.  

Oracle NetSuite manufacturing models provide unique solutions for managing your operations. NetSuite's three major manufacturing options cater to a wide range of business sizes. Work Orders and Assemblies are ideal for midsize businesses, but Advanced Manufacturing is best suited to enterprise-level manufacturers. A appropriate module may also be determined by factors such as the level of control desired by each organization over manufacturing operations.

Exciting Partnership: OpenTeQ Joins the NetSuite Partner Network

ERP Designed for Manufacturing 

1. NetSuite for Manufacturing: Comprehensive ERP Solutions 

NetSuite for Manufacturing provides an integrated suite of applications that streamline all aspects of your operations—from supply chain management to financials, and everything in between. This comprehensive approach ensures that all your business processes are interconnected, providing real-time visibility and control. 

Unified Platform: Centralizes all manufacturing operations into a single platform, improving efficiency and reducing errors. 

Real-Time Analytics: Offers insights into every facet of your business, enabling data-driven decision-making. 

Scalability: It easily scales with your business growth, adapting to increased demands without compromising performance. 

2. Manufacturing ERP & Management Software 

NetSuite's Manufacturing ERP & Management Software is designed to address the specific needs of manufacturing companies, providing tools for managing production schedules, inventory, and supply chains. 

Production Management: Automates production planning and scheduling, ensuring optimal use of resources. 

Inventory Management: Maintains accurate inventory levels, reducing waste and stockouts. 

Supply Chain Management: Streamlines supplier interactions, ensuring timely procurement of materials. 

3. NetSuite ERP Software for Manufacturing Companies 

NetSuite ERP Software for Manufacturing Companies combines the power of cloud computing with manufacturing best practices. It delivers a complete solution for managing complex production environments, from discrete manufacturing to batch processing. 

Flexible Manufacturing Processes: Supports various manufacturing processes, including make-to-stock, make-to-order, and engineer-to-order. 

Quality Management: Ensures that products meet stringent quality standards through integrated quality control processes. 

Cost Control: Provides detailed cost analysis and tracking, helping to maintain profitability.

4. NetSuite for Manufacturers: Specialized Tools for Success 

NetSuite for Manufacturers includes specialized tools that cater to the unique requirements of manufacturers, such as advanced manufacturing, work orders and assemblies, and shop floor control. 

Advanced Manufacturing: Offers comprehensive solutions for managing complex manufacturing processes and workflows. 

Work Orders and Assemblies: Simplifies the creation and tracking of work orders, ensuring efficient assembly operations. 

Shop Floor Control: Provides real-time visibility into shop floor activities, enhancing operational efficiency.

5. NetSuite ERP for Manufacturers: Tailored for Efficiency 

NetSuite ERP for Manufacturers is tailored to enhance efficiency and productivity in manufacturing operations. It provides a seamless flow of information across the entire manufacturing process, from order to delivery. 

Order Management: Streamlines the order-to-cash process, reducing order cycle times and improving customer satisfaction. 

Procurement: Automates procurement processes, ensuring timely and cost-effective sourcing of materials. 

Financial Management: Integrates financial data with manufacturing operations, providing comprehensive financial insights.

6. Manufacturing with NetSuite: Integrated and Innovative 

Manufacturing with NetSuite offers an integrated approach to managing manufacturing operations, ensuring innovation and continuous improvement. 

Product Lifecycle Management: Manages the entire lifecycle of products, from development to retirement. 

Global Manufacturing: Supports multi-site operations and global supply chains, ensuring seamless coordination across locations. 

IoT Integration: Integrates with IoT devices, providing real-time data for predictive maintenance and enhanced production control.

7. NetSuite Solutions for Manufacturing: Customizable and Scalable 

NetSuite Solutions for Manufacturing are customizable to meet the specific needs of your business, offering scalability as your business grows. 

Custom Workflows: Allows customization of workflows to match your unique business processes. 

Scalable Architecture: Supports business growth without the need for significant infrastructure changes. 

Role-Based Dashboards: Provides personalized dashboards tailored to the needs of different roles within the organization. 

8. NetSuite Portals for Manufacturing: Enhancing Collaboration 

NetSuite Portals for Manufacturing facilitate collaboration with suppliers, customers, and partners, enhancing communication and efficiency. 

Supplier Portals: Enable suppliers to view purchase orders, track shipments, and manage invoices. 

Customer Portals: Allow customers to track orders, view invoices, and access support. 

Partner Portals: Facilitate seamless collaboration with partners, improving project management and execution. 

Implementing NetSuite manufacturing modules can significantly enhance your business operations, providing the tools needed for success in the competitive manufacturing landscape. Whether you are looking to streamline your supply chain, enhance production efficiency, or improve financial management, NetSuite offers comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs. Embrace the power of NetSuite for Manufacturing and drive your business towards greater efficiency and growth.

How OpenTeQ Can Help with NetSuite for Manufacturing 

OpenTeQ is a trusted partner in implementing and optimizing NetSuite for Manufacturing, offering expertise and tailored solutions to help manufacturing businesses maximize the benefits of NetSuite's comprehensive ERP capabilities. Here's how OpenTeQ can support your manufacturing operations: 

1. Customized Implementation 

OpenTeQ provides a tailored approach to NetSuite implementation, ensuring the solution is customized to meet the specific needs of your manufacturing business. This includes configuring modules for production management, inventory control, and supply chain management. 

2. Seamless Integration 

OpenTeQ ensures seamless integration of NetSuite with your existing systems and processes, enabling smooth data flow and enhancing operational efficiency. This integration covers various aspects of manufacturing, from order management to financial tracking. 

3. Expert Consultation 

With deep expertise in both NetSuite and manufacturing, OpenTeQ offers expert consultation to help you identify the most critical modules and features for your operations. They guide you through best practices and optimization strategies to maximize your ERP investment. 

4. Training and Support 

OpenTeQ provides comprehensive training for your team, ensuring they are proficient in using NetSuite's features and capabilities. Ongoing support services are also available to address any issues and keep your system running smoothly. 

5. Process Automation 

OpenTeQ helps you leverage NetSuite's automation features to streamline repetitive tasks, reduce manual errors, and enhance productivity. This includes automating production schedules, inventory replenishment, and financial reporting. 

6. Real-Time Analytics 

By implementing advanced analytics and reporting tools within NetSuite, OpenTeQ enables real-time visibility into your manufacturing operations. This allows for data-driven decision-making and timely adjustments to optimize performance. 

7. Scalability and Flexibility 

OpenTeQ ensures that your NetSuite implementation is scalable, accommodating business growth and evolving manufacturing needs. The flexible architecture allows for easy updates and additions as your operations expand. 

8. Continuous Improvement 

OpenTeQ focuses on continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and optimizing your NetSuite setup. They help identify areas for enhancement and implement changes to keep your manufacturing processes efficient and competitive. 


Partnering with OpenTeQ for NetSuite implementation and optimization can significantly enhance your manufacturing operations. Their expertise and tailored approach ensure you get the most out of NetSuite's powerful ERP capabilities, driving efficiency, productivity, and business success. 

For more information on how NetSuite can transform your manufacturing operations, contact us today. 

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